Final Essay


“Trouble at the Soirée”

It is 1992, and it has been a long winter.  To celebrate the advent of spring, I decide to invite a few of my friends to my home for one of my famous South Bend soirées.  At my end of the table, the conversation is going very well.  But suddenly a ruckus erupts at the other end.  It seems that Stephen Cohen and “Z” have gotten themselves into a ferocious argument.  Each scholar maintains that the collapse of the Soviet bloc proved that his respective approach to the study of communism was correct.  I try to stay out of the fight.  But once they start flipping ham and mashed potatoes at each other, I realize I am in trouble. Cohen and ‘Z’ immediately turn to me:  “You’ve been way too quiet, Jim. Which one of us is right?”

I am in a terrible predicament.  If I waffle, I will turn both of these agitated individuals against me and everything will be ruined.  But I might be able to save the evening if I cast my vote unequivocally for one of them.  At least there will be two of us to force the other one out the door!  So, which of the two arguments should I support, Cohen’s or “Z’s”?

Write an essay of no more than five (5) double-spaced pages in which you tell me definitively whose argument is best suited to explain the events of 1989-1991.

To persuade me, you will need to identify the arguments that each individual would likely make to explain the fall of communism.  Then, you must demonstrate why the position you advocate is the right one and the other position (the counterargument) is wrong.

Draw upon your readings and your knowledge of communist history to back up your points concretely.  Remember to write in a clear, deliberate, and concise fashion.  As always, we expect that your essay will flow from beginning to end with no interruption or loss of focus. Dare to be interesting!

Since this is your final essay, please do not discuss it with anyone else.

Your completed essay is due this Tuesday, May 5.  Please send it to Greg Siems no later than 10:00 am.  This time is the end of your scheduled exam time.

Enjoy the writing.  Keep in touch!